Firearm Transfer Form

Bob’s is happy to receive or ship transfers for our customers. Our charge is $30.00 for each firearm shipped in and $50 for each firearm shipped out, plus actual freight and insurance for firearms shipped by us. We must have a valid Federal Firearms License in hand to accept firearms from you for shipment to other dealers, or a copy of a current photo I.D. card from an individual* shipping to us.

For those people picking up firearms at Bob’s, please bring identification appropriate for conducting a background check, since this is a necessary part of the transfer procedure.

Resident or non-resident : Photo I.D. more than 30 days old issued by your state of residence, together with a document that has the same name and address as the photo I.D. such as a bank check, vehicle registration, utility bill or copy of a lease, hunting or fishing license, passport, etc.)

Military stationed in Virginia : Copy of current PCS orders showing that Virginia is your permanent duty station and military I.D. card.

Please Note: It is the responsibility of the firearm(s) shipper to insure the firearm(s) for full value. Bob’s accepts no responsibility for shipments to us that are not insured or are under-insured.

*Federal regulations require that we know the identity of anyone shipping a firearm to us. It is absolutely necessary for an individual shipping a firearm to us for transfer to provide a legible copy of his drivers’ license or state-issued identification card with the firearm(s). Those who do not provide this information will have the firearm(s) returned, C.O.D. for freight and handling charges.